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International Purchasing and Supply

Education and Research Association

Social media guidelines

IPSERA is a unique community which has always had the values of inclusivity and openness. IPSERA recognises that we all represent diverse and multifaceted backgrounds. To ensure that we are as inclusive and open as possible, we have developed a set of guidelines for the IPSERA Executive Committee, IPSERA community and IPSERA event organisers.


At IPSERA we believe in open and constructive communication. Our members are passionate about the IPSERA spirit. All our members are encouraged to share their ideas, perspectives and knowledge. By using online social media channels as well as the official IPSERA website you all are welcome to be an active part of our communication strategy.

In order to prevent any problems or misunderstandings, a few guidelines have been prepared to provide practical and illustrative advice which you can use when participating in an online activity as an IPSERA member.

We are committed to undertake specific actions including:

  • We will familiarise ourselves with the IPSERA Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Guidelines.
  • We identify ourselves with our name and, when relevant, our institution, when publishing or discussing IPSERA-related matters. The IPSERA Executive Committee are the official spokespeople for the association; therefore, if you are yet on the committee, please make sure that you are speaking on your own behalf and not for the association.
  • We are personally responsible for the content we publish. Please remember that inclusivity, respect, common sense and kindness are firmly embedded in our identity.
  • If you write a post that is not true or appropriate, please be the first person to respond and delete the post as soon as possible.
  • Please respect copyright. If a sentence or statement is taken from another person’s work, please cite it properly with a clear reference linked back to the source.

 Your IPSERA Executive Committee

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