The IPSERA network consists of multiple types of communities. The Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are centered around topics in the purchasing and supply management domain. The Regional IPSERA Centres of Competence (RICCs) are local or regional communities with a strong standing on the field of purchasing and supply management. Finally, our IPSERA Ambassadors are single individuals who take a role in expanding IPSERA’s global reach by targeting specific local or regional communities.
Ambassadors are our way to expand IPSERA's reach to areas in which the IPSERA community has a more limited presence, such as the Global South, Asia, and parts of North America and Eastern Europe. Any member can apply, whether you are a seasoned professor or just starting your PhD journey.
As an ambassador, you will have opportunities to organize local and regional events under the IPSERA banner, possibly with financial or other support from IPSERA. And you get to work with our amazing, supportive IPSERA community. If you have any questions, please reach out to Robert Suurmond:
A Special Interest Group is an international, multi-institutional group of active purchasing and supply management researcher, practitioners and educators on a specific topic or theme. As a minimum scale, we expect at least two, but ideally three full-time researchers/practitioners/educators and members of IPSERA in the specific area of the SIG, as leaders of the SIG.
As SIGs bring disparate researchers together, these leaders should be affiliated with different institutions. A key requirement is a statement of plans and ambitions for ongoing efforts to build and sustain a community of experts in the SIG theme, including at least one event per three years hosted by the SIG. For renewal of SIG status, evidence of such efforts is required.
A Regional IPSERA Centre of Competence (RICC) is a local or regional community of active PSM researchers and educators. As minimum scale, we expect at least one chair dedicated to PSM, and at least three full-time researchers/educators in the area of PSM. A regional centre may be composed of members affiliated with different institutions in the same region. A key requirement is a statement of plans and ambitions for ongoing efforts to build/sustain a local PSM community, including at least one event per three years organised by the RICC. For renewal of RICC status, evidence of such efforts is required.
University of São Paulo - FEA International Center of Purchasing Studies (CIEC), Brazil (Coordinator: Gustavo Menoncin Pereira)
Contact IPSERA's network manager at to inquire about applying to be ambassador, and for SIG or RICC status.