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The IPSERA Conference 2025 offers online participation as follows: 

  • Opportunity to watch all plenary sessions in real-time (including livestreaming of the conference opening, practitioner panel, and closing meeting) and participate in the hybrid format of the AGM meeting (via Microsoft Teams). 
  • Opportunity to attend a selection of PDWs in a hybrid format (via Microsoft Teams, depending on the nature of the PDWs and their suitability for the hybrid format). 
  • Opportunity to present your paper online (via Microsoft Teams) and attend a certain number of paper sessions in a hybrid format (via Microsoft Teams). Please note that at least one author needs to be registered by March 9, 2025 in order for a paper to be included in the program.

Authors wishing to present online should indicate in Oxford Abstracts their online presence and their time zone. We try to schedule online presentations according to the authors' time zone, but we cannot guarantee we can accommodate all requests.

Please note that the Sunday program will not be available in hybrid format. 

We greatly appreciate the sponsors listed below for their support in making IPSERA 2025 possible. 

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