Rotterdam is a large port city in The Netherlands, with a strong focus on trade, logistics, and financial services and is also one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the country. Rotterdam is home to Erasmus University Rotterdam, of which Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) is the business school. The largest department of the School is the department of Technology & Operations Management, of which the Supply Chain Management section is the largest section. Two chairs in Purchasing & Supply Management are located in this section: the chair of Finn Wynstra and the chair of Erik van Raaij.
Research and teaching in the area of Purchasing & Supply Management (PSM) is concentrated around these two chairs. Specific areas of research and teaching interest are purchasing and innovation, performance-based contracting, PSM in healthcare, capital construction contracting, digital transformation of purchasing, and purchasing ethics. The two chairs are also very active in teaching (empirical) research methods and research integrity.
At the moment, five PhD students are supervised on PSM topics, two part-time lecturers support the teaching of PSM-related courses at all levels ranging from BSc to MSc to Executive Education, and two researchers help carry out our research projects in the above areas.
As a group, the members of the RICC at Erasmus University Rotterdam, teach in six PSM-related courses at either RSM or Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management (ESHPM). The strongest presence is in the MSc program Supply Chain Management, where 120-150 students take the core course PSM, and about 50 students take the elective Strategic Sourcing and/or Healthcare Procurement and Value Chain Management. Each year about 20-25 of these students write their MSc thesis with one of the RICC members as coach. Another 30 MSc students from ESHPM take the elective Healthcare Procurement and Value Chain Management and 4-6 write their MSc thesis on this topic.
The RICC at Erasmus University Rotterdam has strong links to IPSERA, with Finn as former president, Erik as former organizer of the IPSERA doctoral workshop and former EB member, and all RICC members as regular participants at the IPSERA conference. The RICC also has strong links with the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, with Finn as former Editor-in-Chief, and Erik as one f the current Senior Associate Editors. A third strong link is with NEVI, the Dutch professional purchasing association, with both chairs having received or currently receiving financial support as well as support in kind from NEVI.
The RICC at Erasmus University Rotterdam aims to support expertise development in PSM in the region and beyond in a variety of other ways. Organizing the IPSERA doctoral workshop has already been mentioned, and the organization of the annual Dutch WION workshop has been in the hands of Finn (and has now been passed on to the RICC in Maastricht). Finn currently is in charge of organizing the annual IFPSM/NEVI/IPSERA PSM Summer School.