The IPSERA Special Interest Group (SIG) in Purchasing and Innovation was created in recognition of the growing interest amongst practitioners and researchers in how purchasing can contribute to the creation of innovations within organizations.
Just before the COVID-19 lock-down Florian Schupp organized an event at Schaeffler Automotive in Buehl (near Baden-Baden in Germany). This brought together a group of SIG researchers and a large group of participants from Schaeffler. The interplay between researchers and practitioners worked really well and it was great having not only Schaeffler procurement but also R&D participants taking part in the discussions. Thank you, Florian, for organizing this great event!
During the COVID-19 crisis the SIG has been unable to meet physically, but the group has still been active. The call for papers for the Special Topic Forum (STF) in Purchasing & Innovation in Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management (JPSM) was published and submissions received at the end of August. Manuscripts are currently undergoing review and we look forward to the outcome of this process.

The SIG in Purchasing & Innovation is now planning a joint PDW with the IPSERA SIGs ‘Supply Chain Finance’ and ‘Internet of Things’. On the initiative of the IPSERA board and facilitated by Leonardo, the joint event will be dedicated to digitalization in purchasing and discuss transversal themes across the SIGs. The date for this event has not yet been confirmed but it will most likely be in December so watch this space!