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International Purchasing and Supply

Education and Research Association

Outgoing President

30 Jun 2020 08:51 | Jenny Bäckstrand (Administrator)

Dear IPSERA friends and family,

Now my IPSERA presidency is over, three wonderful years have come to an end. My last official appearance was at the end of May in the virtual AGM, where - due to the Corona pandemic a bit different than usual - I passed the baton on to Donna, a certainly excellent new president! Donna gave a great farewell speech with voices from the Committee, which I really enjoyed and which I will look back on from time to time in the future.

Long before that I was already a member of the Executive Committee. I have always wished to bring IPSERA to Dortmund and in 2016 we organised the IPSERA Annual Conference here, part of the programme took also place in the stadium of Borussia Dortmund J One year later, in 2017, I became President and was able to lead through the conferences in Hungary, Athens and Milan. All in all I gained a lot of amazing experiences and learned a lot at IPSERA. I have also made many new friends. It was an honour and a pleasure for me to give IPSERA back a little bit of what I got from this unique network. It was fun with you, colleagues!

I will not withdraw completely, I will remain active. I hope to see you again in person in Knoxville next year at the latest.

Yours, Michael.

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