International Purchasing and Supply
Education and Research Association
IPSERA UK and Ireland Regional Conference: Early-Career Researchers in Sustainability
Thurs 2nd to Fri 3rd February 2023
Location: Newcastle University Business School, Newcastle University
This conference is for PhDs, postdoctoral researchers and early-career faculty to help develop papers for publication on any sustainability topic including:
Hosted and sponsored by the Regional IPSERA Centre for Competence (RICC) at Newcastle University; the RICC hosted at University College Dublin (UCD), and UCD Earth Institute; and the IPSERA Sustainability Special Interest Group; this conference will showcase the latest research on sustainability issues by early-career researchers and will also feature talks and discussions with IPSERA scholars on:
As this is a developmental conference all sessions will be face to face. Please book early as places are limited to 25. If you are planning to attend, please contact Ying Yang and Donna Marshall with your name, university affiliation, title and abstract (100 words) of your paper by Friday 16th December. Accepted papers (2000 words) should be submitted by Friday 13th January 2023.
We have a small pot of money for bursaries, so get in touch at the email addresses above, if you would like to come but do not have funding to travel within the UK/Ireland.
Registration for this in-person regional event is here.
PhDs can attend for free (Note: If you are a PhD and not a member of IPSERA contact Veronica Leon Bravo who will set up membership).
There will be a €50 fee for members of IPSERA to partially cover food costs.
The fee for non-members is €100 (€50 membership fee; €50 conference fee).
We are delighted to welcome you to Newcastle!