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International Purchasing and Supply

Education and Research Association

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  • 23 May 2020 15:54 | Jenny Bäckstrand (Administrator)

    Within the next five years there will be billions of things represented by digital twins. These representatives of the physical world will lead to new possibilities for collaboration between experts of the physical world and data scientists. Digital twins are strong thought leaders who drive innovation and performance. Digital Twin technology helps companies improve the customer experience through a better understanding of customer needs, develop improvements to existing products, processes and services and can even help drive innovation in new business models.

    That's why we are focusing on this topic in this year's PhD SUMMER Webinar Weeks.

    The Graduate School of Logistics is offering PhD SUMMER Webinar Weeks from June 15 to 26, 2020. Free webinars and digital lectures by top-class, international scientists are on the agenda. Not only PhD students are addressed, also company representatives, post-docs, students or general interested parties are invited to register for the program or individual elements. The offerings are part of the Digital Transfer Weeks of the Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) Dortmund.

    Participation in the individual webinars is free of charge, but we ask for a binding registration.

    Join us!


  • 27 Apr 2020 15:10 | Jenny Bäckstrand (Administrator)

    The rapid closure of campuses around the globe has compelled faculty into major redesign of their students’ learning experiences. In this article I (Simon Croom) want to share some reflections and offer some suggestions for faculty on responding to this revolution.

    Our conversations have suddenly been filled with previously arcane terms like Zoom, Blackboard, Canvas, Screencast-O-Matic. Academic life led at arm’s length (or screen length) is the new norm. ‘Teleteaching’ is a way of life, potentially for some months yet, possibly presaging a new world of learning for many years ahead. This is a tectonic shift for the education world, and even faculty with extensive online mediated learning experiences face considerable challenges in transforming students’ experiences, often midway through the academic term or semester.

    But not everything has changed.

    Firstly, it is important to realize that there are fundamental, underlying similarities between the online and in-person curricular design. Both require clear definition of the aims and learning objectives; both are formatted around ‘chunking’ or structuring learning (week by week or module by module, for example);  assignments remain focused on either formative direction or summative assessment; a range of materials are provided (textbooks, videos, PowerPoints, case studies etc.); faculty impart their wisdom through instructional presentations. In both environments, students participate in structured reviews, problems discussions, cases, simulations, presentations, group work, break out activities, field work, reflections and so on.

    What has changed is the role played by technology in sustaining these activities. Regular synchronous Zoom lectures can often be far more interactive than the traditional lecture – we at least have every student’s name in front of us and can poll for regular feedback. Asynchronous lectures, whether video recorded, narrated PowerPoint, TedTalk, YouTube or other open source, enable faculty to flip the classroom, monitor student engagement, and provide clear discussion and group review activities. Field work can be undertaken virtually through selective use of simulations, datasets, movies and so forth. Surveys can be conducted (in fact response rates may increase due to respondents being at home!)

    So, the question is, what are the primary challenges in the online only world? I believe there are two important areas to consider.

    First, it is apparent that motivation and time management for both faculty and students is a major challenge in the online world. Students confined to self-isolate are restless, disorganized and searching for structure to their day, week and semester. Faculty, similarly, face these challenges. The learning environment is thus the single biggest change we all face. In the classroom, we focus on imparting learning within the social order with clearly defined norms for each class. For example, while I am happy for students to use laptops, some colleagues ban them. While I require students to take structured lecture notes, other faculty issue workbooks, and yet others have no such stipulation. I have small size classes (<40), you may have well over 100 in your sections. Classrooms are formal environments, with desks, chairs, screens, podium and are within an academic building. The new online environment is shared by students with their children, partners, roommates, even public area Wi-Fi. This is not a trivial issue. Research has found that lighting, air quality, décor, comfort, temperature are all critical decisions to incorporate in designing buildings for effective learning. When designing your courses, you must be mindful of the student environment.

    So, what can you do? Survey your students. Get a view of their time zone, technology, internet access, personal living situation and their anxieties and concerns. As a result of my class surveys, I limited synchronous class time to short bursts of content delivery (max 10-minute presentation by me), and focused instead on asynchronous use of chat rooms, discussion boards, reflective writing and teamwork. (I have 1/3 of my class in a different time zone now)

    Second, online mediated learning requires a clear student journey map. In this respect I started with the learning objectives for each course. Checked off the ‘content’ topics to be addressed and provided alternative media for each main topic. For example, total cost of ownership was addressed through a preassigned YouTube vide of 6 minutes duration, a single discussion post, a short Zoom (synchronous) presentation and breakout groups for students to discuss questions. I also require students to use their project team as their social network – they used WhatsApp, Slack, Google Hangouts and other social media to check in and share their project work. Finally, I kept the same assessment schedule as my pre-virus syllabus. I do not use exams or tests, so that did not pose a challenge, but if you do, one proposal I would make is to consider either short answer tests allowing students to complete asynchronously or replace exams with a report of written activity. A final note – I have used learning journals with great success and during the pandemic these have been central to the students’ success. I review every 4 weeks and guide the students to develop a rich repository of materials to which they add reflective comments.

    A brave New World may await. This is a good time to reflect on our pedagogy and learning philosophies even while we are grappling with Zoom and Blackboard!

    If you wish to learn more about any of these topics, and to explore some videos and resources related to learning, I have curated a collection at my blog Feel free to email me too!

  • 27 Feb 2020 13:30 | Jenny Bäckstrand (Administrator)

    The IPSERA special interest group on "Purchasing and Innovation" has gathered for the second time after its initiation at the 2018 IPSERA conference in Budapest. This time the group was invited by its member Dr. Florian Schupp, vice president purchasing automotive and aftermarket, to the Schaeffler site in Bühl (Germany) on February 17 and 18. The group gathered for an informal dinner at Burg Windeck on Monday evening and had a 3-hour tour through the production facilities in Bühl where Schaeffler. Afterwards, about 40 of Schaeffler's purchasing and R&D managers joined the presentations of Thomas Johnsen ("An overview of recent research on purchasing involvement in product development & innovation"), Richard Calvi ("Innovation Scouting: A new challenge for Purchasing")

    Nadine Kiratli ("The impact of perceptual differences of governance on team creativity during co-innovation projects")

    Holger Schiele ("Evaluating startups as partners for innovation" )

    Robert Suurmond ("Interface between startups and incumbent suppliers").

    The SIG members enjoyed the constructive, value-adding and inspiring discussions with Schaeffler employees. During the SIG meeting, the upcoming Special Topic Forum (STF) on "Purchasing and Innovation" in the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management was announced. The guest editor team around Thomas Johnsen is complemented by Marie-Anne Le Dain (Grenoble INP), Nadine Kiratli (Maastricht University) and Holger Schiele (university of Twente).

    The SIG would like to thank Florian and Schaeffler for hosting us and would also like to express its gratitude towards IPSERA for sponsoring the event.

    In case you are interested to join the SIG, please contact Thomas Johnsen or Marie-Anne Le Dain.

  • 27 Jan 2020 11:59 | Jenny Bäckstrand (Administrator)

    On 21-22 January, some 40 researchers and educators gathered in Lunteren (NL) for the 17th edition of the WION seminar (‘Workshop Inkoop Onderzoek Nederland’). Initiated in 2004, by Arjan van Weele and his colleagues from Eindhoven, this seminar brings together PhD students, teachers, professors – be it fulltime or part-time – in the area of Purchasing and Supply Management, from the Netherlands.

    The program format is quite unique, with some plenary presentations and multiple paper review sessions. The plenary sessions typically feature a practitioner and an academic, but from another discipline.

    This year Jan Roodenburg, former SVP Supplier Development, Philips and VP SC & Ops, HP EMEA, spoke about sustainable supply chains – reminding us that sustainability efforts have been going on for quite some time already, but that is quite challenging to keep this consistently on the agenda of senior management.

    Kees Ahaus, professor of Health Services Management & Organisation at the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, presented research on how different institutional logics interact in the organization of care supply chains, such as in the case of COPD patients.

    In the paper review sessions, two reviewers are assigned to each paper, and each session lasts for 60 mins. This duration and the small group setting (in parallel sessions) mean that the discussions can be quite extensive and detailed.

    Finally, each WION edition features workshops and group discussion on techniques and methods, and this year we focused on teaching – more specifically, problem-based learning. Frank Rozemeijer, Nadine Kiratli and Robert Suurmond from Maastricht University led an interactive and productive session exploring techniques for online learning and bring real-life problems into the classroom.

    Finn Wynstra chaired WION for the last six years on behalf of the Rotterdam team, but as of 2021, the team from Maastricht will take over the baton.

  • 17 Jan 2020 11:57 | Jenny Bäckstrand (Administrator)

    The registration for the IFPSM/IPSERA Summer school is now open!

    This years theme is "Theories for Purchasing and Supply Management Research".

    More information and a link to the registration form is found here:

  • 26 Jun 2019 17:56 | Jenny Bäckstrand (Administrator)

    Please join us for a lively discussion on the identity of the purchasing function at the AoM conference in Boston on August 11th 2019, 12:30-3:00, Westin Hotel, Empire Room.

    Purchasing is truly one of the world’s oldest professions, but it continues to remain relatively small as a discipline. This workshopis an opportunity to bring purchasing and supply management (P&SM) researchers from all over the world together to discuss the future of purchasing in academia, and perhaps chart a future course for shaping the discipline. This will build on topics from the International Purchasing Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA) session “Identity and the Future of P&SM (Milan, April 2019). All P&SM researchers are welcome whether they participated in the session or not.  This workshop will create a venue for meeting other researchers in P&SM, and provide a forum to discuss topics such as:

    1. Is P&SM an academic discipline?
    2. Should P&SM seek to more formally become an academic discipline?What are the associated risks and rewards?
    3. Should P&SM build its own theories?
    4. Is P&SM a subset of OM, SCM or another discipline?
    5. Where do we go from here?
    6. What are some interesting research problems that are specific for the future P&SM?
    7. What are some ways that we can build a stronger P&SM community?

    We look forward to a lively discussion in this workshopthat will help re-energize the PSM community.  The P&SM North American Research Symposium (NARS) lost its sponsorship and the community lost a key venue for discussions like the ones mentioned above. The goal is to engage in discussions that involve scholars from across the globe. 

    Share this with others in your network that are interested in PSM that are attending the Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

    //Lisa Ellram, Wendy Tate, Stephan Wagner, Craig Carter

  • 01 Oct 2018 14:13 | Jenny Bäckstrand (Administrator)

    The Supply Chain Finance SIG is organizing a workshop on November 28th in Amsterdam. 
    The purpose of the SIG meeting is to strengthen the links within the academic community around the topic of Supply Chain Finance (SCF) and financial management in the supply chain, with a keen eye on new and innovative technologies. Read more here

  • 27 Sep 2018 16:18 | Jenny Bäckstrand (Administrator)

    IJOPM has recently published the call for papers of a special issue on the impact of Industry 4.0 on Operations and Supply Chain Management - link.
    Guest edited by Prof. Lenny Koh, Prof. Fu Jia, and Dr. Guido Orzes.

    Deadline 31/12-2018

  • 17 Sep 2018 08:12 | Jenny Bäckstrand (Administrator)

    Two events will  be organized within the IPSERA SIG "Purchasing & Innovation" based on the concept of a dinner on the afternoon of day 1 and meeting on day 2

    - Autumn event in Grenoble at  Grenoble INP on 23-24 October 2018

    - Winter event in in Buehl/Baden-Baden on 11-12 February 2019

    For more information please, contact Thomas Erik Johnsen or Marie-Anne Le Dain /

  • 24 Dec 2017 13:48 | Erik van Raaij (Administrator)

    We are organising a workshop structured around two distinct days in February 2018. This will be a small-scale event in order to maximise the experience for everyone involved, hence places on each day will be limited. Registration is mandatory. 

    Day 1 is specifically for PhD students and early career researchers in management who do research across the fields of sustainability, CSR and business ethics. We invite those who are passionate about driving change for sustainability through their research and want to learn about participatory and engaged methodological approaches.  The day will consist of interactive masterclasses from speakers from disciplines outside management, a panel of editors’ discussion and collective reflections around key questions identified by participants. The event aims to be a platform for discussing the “how” of conducting such types of research - details that often remain absent from publications. We see this event as an opportunity to support young researchers in our field and encourage mentoring within the community. 

    Day 2 will be focused on advancing sustainability in production and consumption networks. The audience for this day are academics at all stages of their careers who identify with this theme. Day 2 is an agenda-shaping event and will require some preparation so that we engage in constructive discussions – without being too onerous. We will seek to surface the key research questions for the field, particularly around how to move towards meaningful change. This will entail reflecting on what assumptions/theories and research questions we should be asking but also on who we should engage with.

    Further details about the event and logistical details are available on the event page here.

    Anne Touboulic

    Lucy McCarthy

    Carsten Reuter

 IPSERA Newsletters

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